Simon Wenner


GSoC Week 2

Last week I could not work full-time because I had to learn for my last exam on Friday. Nevertheless I managed to accomplish important milestones:

Memphis is now close to the state that it can be used in libchamplain. Only some minor features are missing (e.g. dynamic resolution) and some parts need a cleanup and better input sanitation.

Date: 08 Jun 2009 | Tags: gnome

GSoC Week 1

Finally, I found the time to blog about my GSoC Project. Better late than never! ;-)

The goal of my project is the implementation of local map rendering of OpenStreetMap data in libchamplain. My mentor is Pierre-Luc, the maintainer of libchamplain. The first official week of the SoC has passed, but I still had to attend lectures and exams. That's why I have not much to report yet:

My overall progress can be tracked here:

Date: 02 Jun 2009 | Tags: gnome

Video editing with Blender

Video editing support is still very poor on Linux. Until Kdenlive or Pitivi mature you should give Blender a try. Even if you are not into 3D.

Check out this presentation by Bassam Kurdali (ogg) at the Libre Graphics Meeting 2009. He shows how to setup the interface, split and merge clips and use filters and transitions.

Date: 30 May 2009 | Tags: blender howto

Hello World!

Hello World! Yet another blog to increase the web pollution. Enjoy!
Date: 16 May 2009 | Tags: noise

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